A belated Eid Mubarak
Peace and love to all.
Read more...Aamir khan's blog. it's a blog of film star aamir khan. aamir khan the first actor doing blogging.
I am here in Chennai to meet Shridhar for the last time. Went to his house last night to meet his family who are in shock and grief. As he lay in the centre of the gathering he looked peaceful, almost as if he were just asleep. I met his parents, brothers, wife and sons who were all very dignified in their moment of deep pain.
Shridhar was one of the finest technicians of our industry and a dear friend. We have worked together a number of times, and very closely during Lagaan. He did the final mix of the film, which is the last and most crucial creative process in film making. A close associate of A.R., he has worked together with him on a majority of his songs and background scores. In fact he was in A.R.’s studio until 4am yesterday morning working with A.R. and Murgadoss on our film. By around 8.30am he had passed away in his sleep.
The sudden news of his most untimely death came to me yesterday morning when I was still trying to pull myself out of the depressive state of mind I had slid into post the attacks on Mumbai. It left me shattered.
As I had expected various politicians have tried to use this traumatic and tragic attack to their advantage. I only hope that people see through them this time.
Quite clearly both the major political parties have failed to tackle terrorism. There have been repeated attacks on us during both their reigns which neither has been able to either anticipate or deal with well. While what happened in Mumbai recently clearly exposes the incompetence of the Congress, the hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight 814 during the BJP rule shows them in even worse light. They actually NEGOTIATED with the terrorists and RELEASED 3 dreaded terrorists from Indian jails. All the 5 hijackers and the 3 terrorists released from India by the then BJP government were allowed to escape to attack us another day.
I think the first lesson to learn from this is that we MUST NOT NEGOTIATE. No matter what, the next time round around, and lets not fool ourselves we must be alert and prepared for more attacks, we MUST NOT NEGOTIATE. All potential terrorists must get a very clear message that INDIA DOES NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. What that means is, that in the future if there is a situation where me or my kids are held hostage by a bunch of terrorists then I must be prepared to tell our government - to hell with me and my children just go in there and kill the terrorists. I am prepared to sacrifice myself and my loved ones for the larger safety and security of the country but DO NOT LISTEN TO AND NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS.
I personally hold both these political parties, and in fact other regional political parties across the country, responsible in one way or the other, for fueling terrorism in the first place. And please remember that the definition of terrorism is not restricted to AK 47 toting maniacs. It includes the spread of terror by other means like stone throwing, beating up of innocent people on the roads, and rioting, etc. Any means, in fact, to spread terror in the hearts of ordinary citizens.
The other important thing we need to remind ourselves in this time of anger and hurt is to stay calm and take sensible steps, and not give in to thoughtless knee jerk reactions. I heard someone say on television that we should all stop paying our taxes as a show of protest. Haven’t heard of a more silly idea than that. If we stop paying our taxes then we won’t have an army and NSG to save us next time around!!! Instead we should all START PAYING OUR TAXES. We demand so much of our leaders but are we fulfilling our basic responsibility? Can we say with honesty that as citizens of our country we are all honestly paying our taxes? If we are not paying our taxes can we blame the government for being inefficient? If we are corrupt then how can we expect our politicians to be honest?
I have a very important thing to say to all the various people going around arbitrarily throwing accusations at the politicians. These politicians are not from Jupiter or Mars, they are one of us, from our very own society, selected by us through a democratic process. So now think for a moment, who really is to blame? We can only blame ourselves guys. Half of us don’t go to vote. The half that does vote has selected these guys.
In my opinion, you really want to change things? Change yourself. Each one of us needs to take a very honest look inwards and rectify and work on what we think is wrong with us. If each one of us does that individually then there will be a sea change in our society at large. I have to promise myself that I will not be corrupt, will play my role in society with honesty and sincerity. Doctors, lawyers, judges, people in the IAS, police force, media persons, businessmen, job workers, labour force, everyone. We have to stop thinking of our own individual gain and loss and do what is honest, true and right, and think collective. It calls for personal sacrifice in this time of chaos but from chaos will emerge clarity. Even if we don’t manage to achieve this for ourselves we will achieve it for our children.
What I would really like to see emerge from all this is the youth of this country starting a political party. A group that stands for strong, clean, honest and fresh leadership. A group that we can all support.
And finally, if we really want to make sure that terrorists fail in achieving their end, then these terror attacks should not take us towards hate but instead towards love. If we react with hate we are succumbing to these terror attacks, and if we react with increasing love and peace in our hearts then we squarely defeat the terrorists. Allowing love, peace and trust to grow within us is not a sign of weakness but a sign of immense strength.
With appreciation and gratitude to the security forces who acted with courage, and with a prayer in my heart for those departed.
Have been watching television since yesterday and to see various locations in Mumbai turned into a war zone is shocking and heart breaking to say the least.
My heartfelt condolences to the families of persons killed and taken hostage. I was feeling sick in the stomach when the fire broke out at the Taj. What would the people caught inside be going through. The fire fighters were doing their best but my imagination was running wild and I was feeling helpless watching other people trapped in the rooms adjoining the fire.
My heartfelt condolences to the family of the brave officers of the Mumbai Police who lost their lives leading from the front to take on these terrorists. Especially Hemant Karkare of the ATS who in the recent past was being targeted by various political parties for the work that he was doing. When will these politicians realize and admit that terrorists HAVE NO RELIGION. Terrorists are not Hindu or Muslim or Christian. They are not people of religion or God. They are people who have gone totally sick in their head and have to be dealt with in that manner. Hemant Karkare is an example of a brave officer who gave his life in the line of duty.
At this moment I pray that the brave officers of the Mumbai Police, the Indian Army, Navy, the NSG and the various other security forces dealing with the situation are able to end this crisis as soon as possible.
If it had just been a matter of simply fighting the terrorists the security forces would have dealt with it sooner, but here of course the situation is extremely complicated with many innocent lives at stake. The fact that the locations are huge hotels with multiple floors, hundreds of rooms, many corridors, staff quarters, work spaces, entries, exits etc, and have innocent guests still in there, have made the task very difficult and delicate.
I dread to think of how various political parties are now going to try and use this tragedy to further their political careers. At least now they should learn to not divide people and instead become responsible leaders. An incident such as this really exposes how ill-equipped we are as a society as far as proper leaders go. We desperately need young, dynamic, honest, intelligent and upright leaders, who actually care for the country.
Jai Hind.
On my way back to Bombay. L.A. was good but it's always so good to head back home. I'm one of those people who gets homesick really fast, especially when I am traveling outside of India. Within a week I lose my humour, after two I start getting depressed and by the end of the third week I start weeping when I see soppy television ads.
Speaking of television I get so attracted to these ads on US TV selling the most unusual stuff on tele-shopping. Its amazing how I am such a sucker for all the most inane products which finally I'll probably never use. Thankfully better sense prevails just before I place the order. Like this time I saw this ad for an amazing absorbing material. It looks like a piece of cloth but is made of some magic material which just soaks up any liquid which may have spilled. Every time that ad came on I was riveted. Took down the number to call and everything but I realised that my trip was too short for the order to reach me. Then there was this amazing pull-ups bar which fits on to any doorway and is great for a workout without going to a gym. And then there was this ad for Timeless Romantic Tunes played on the piano by this pianist called Beegie Adair. It sounded so good, and its Kiran's birthday on the 7th so I thought it would make a great gift. But it would never have reached me on time. Well it's the thought that counts, so K should be happy.
In the meantime Obama has won. My congratulations to the people of the US, this is their victory as much as Obama's. Well now his work really begins, time for him to fulfil all his promises. Quite a soap opera though.
My flight beckons.
29th was the screening of TZP in Seattle for the IDA (International Dyslexia Association). There were about 200 members, mostly American I think, and I was curious to see the response of a non Indian audience to what we had made.
First of all, it was not in a cinema hall but in a conference room so the acoustics were not good, and it was a DVD projection. Carlos, the projectionist, was really sweet and had done his best in the circumstances. As the lights dimmed I was really nervous. Here were people who know all about Dyslexia and work in the field of learning disabilities. Also, whenever I watch my work around 6 months after it has released I usually hate it, and this time was no different. As the film played out I kept squirming, wishing I could disappear into my seat.
And then finally the film got over and the lights came on….. to an ABSOLUTELY THUNDEROUS STANDING OVATION!!!
My God it was so moving. I was so overwhelmed. Then I came forward for the Q&A and saw the tears streaming down the cheeks of the audience. I can’t tell you how happy I was to see so many people cry! Needless to say I was part of them, I cry at the drop of a hat. And here were people from all over the world who had dedicated their lives to helping children with learning difficulties. I was so glad that IDA had chosen to screen TZP at their annual conference, and that I was able to make it to Seattle. And I felt so blessed to be part of a film that touches people so deeply.
Everyone just loved the film and it had struck a really deep chord. In fact the reaction was exactly as it had been with audiences back home in India. It really amazes me how people from all across the world react to some films in pretty much the same way, which reaffirms the fact of how similar we all are no matter which part of the globe we come from.
Darsheel struck once again and won all hearts. The story and screenplay were unanimously appreciated as were all the other aspects of the film. The music and songs were especially loved and everyone wanted to know more about Shankar, Ehsan, Loy and Prasoon.
All of them wanted to know when the film would release in theatres in the US. On being told that the film has already been released here they all insisted that the film be re-released in the US in theatres, this time for the mainstream American audience. One of the interesting points which came out of the Q&A was the request from the audience to dub the film into English when re-released here. They felt, and rightly so, that they wanted their children to see the film and were afraid that the smaller kids will not be able to read the subtitles. So I’m going to look into that. At the very least the DVD release here can incorporate a dubbed version as well.
Well, you can imagine that I didn’t get much sleep that night. So on the night of the 29th there was at least one person who was sleepless in Seattle, and this time it wasn’t Tom Hanks.
Wow. The ant story seems to have gone down rather well. Either it was genuinely good, or the reaction was a result of people missing me on the blog. I''d like to believe it was both.
So what do y''all think of the first look of Ghajini? Actually I could have gotten into better shape. Had to stop training during the release of TZP, so, lost a month and a half there. But it was impossible for me to train through that period. And I was also a little careless with my diet around that time. Grrr. How I wish I had found the mental strength to keep at it.
A number of you are interested in my dinner with HRH Victoria of Sweden. Well it was a real pleasure meeting her. She is a very charming lady. Beautiful, intelligent, dignified, full of good humour and a very warm host. Very interested in India. Kiran and I had a lovely evening.
The first moving picture (promo) of GHAJINI is breaking soon. It’s my first real action thriller, and full on mainstream entertainer in a long time. I’m nervous already talking about it.
Diwali is round the corner folks. For some reason every Diwali night I feel very peaceful, I think it’s the effect of the ‘diyas’. But this time on Diwali I am traveling to the U.S., Seattle first and then L.A. The International Dyslexia Association is having its annual conference in Seattle and they have decided to screen TZP there, and have invited me for a Q&A post the screening. Looking forward to that.
So a very happy Diwali to all.
Peace, love and happiness.
Hey! Where have y’all been!!!
Ok, ok. I know I deserve to get my butt kicked. So this story should make you feel better. Few days ago I had a very bad night. After a long day at work, went to bed at around 3am. Couple hours later, deep in sleep I had this vague feeling of being bitten on my ear. Gradually I was being bitten on my stomach, legs, neck. I was so sleepy that I just kept cursing, scratching, turning and tossing. Finally it got really unbearable, and I kind of woke up…… TO SEE MY BED FILLED WITH ANTS! There were hundreds of them! Crawling all over and giving me hell. I’m feeling scratchy all over just recounting it. Had to jump under the shower and then went and crashed on my couch. Can’t figure out for the life of me how they got there and why? I guess they found something really sweet on that bed, and since K was out on a night shoot I am assuming it was me. Isn’t it amazing how ants find their way to the most unlikely of places.
I suppose y’all want to know why I have been away so long. Well I’m not sure I can explain. I guess I needed to be by myself for a while. Still, I should have expressed that. My apologies.
So, what has been happening on the blog while I’ve been away? I see y’all are getting on just fine without me.
I’m watching the sky turn colour as the sun rises. Returning after another night of work. . Back home and into my bed. No ants today I hope. Maybe I should dig a moat round my bed.
I’m back folks.
ndia wins a Gold after 25 years and the first in an individual event. I was absolutely thrilled to see Bindra receiving the Gold, and I had goose bumps when India’s National Anthem began playing. What a moment! My congratulations to Bindra for his achievement. He has done India proud and given us all a moment to celebrate.
I would recommend to everyone to do a google search on Indian Hockey at the Olympics. You will be amazed to read the reports of India’s achievements in the game. Absolutely fascinating. We were leagues ahead for decades, don’t know what happened after that.
At this time I cannot help but remember the reaction of certain people across the country when India had lost a cricket match/tournament and people began attacking the homes of various players. How easily we forget that our sportspersons are trying their best. They too want to win. They are the ones who have worked day and night and are certainly more upset than we the supporters are. At that time instead of standing by them in their moment of loss and dejection we attack them. And I put a large part of the blame on a number of TV News channels at times like this, who only fan tempers and in fact glorify this kind of hooliganism.
But back to Bindra.
Well done, and thank you for bringing us glory and joy.
First the good news.
Folks!!! Its finally released! The DVD of TZP is out in the market!
I wanted to be totally sure before I spoke about it on my blog because there were too many false alarms in between. So today we went to Darsheel’s school and Darsheel’s principal Mrs Bajaj was kind enough to do the honors.
The other bit of good news is that Disney has decided to release the DVD in the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Canada. I was very happy to know that they liked the film enough to want to distribute TZP in home entertainment for these 5 countries.
Now for the bad news…… and I know I am going to be slaughtered for this one. Disney has a lead time of at least 3 months. They want to do a mainstream release in these 5 markets. So while the DVD has released in India and outside India as well, in these 5 countries it will be a few more months before it comes out.
Now, before those of you living in these 5 countries kill me, please understand that I have no control over this. The only other option would be to not go ahead with Disney’s offer. But I felt that I would like the mainstream audiences in these places to also have the option of seeing this film. If I’m not mistaken this is probably a first for any Indian film except for Lagaan which was released by Columbia Tristar, but that was more because Sony TV India had originally bought the film. Sawaria which was also Sony I am assuming also got a mainstream release, but that was also produced by Sony. So I think this the first time that an Indian film has been picked up by a major distributor independently for a mainstream release.
More importantly, how many films are made on child care? So I want as many people as possible (no matter which part of the world they live in, including people who are not normally exposed to Indian Cinema) to get the chance to see this particular film.
My sincere apologies to those of you living in these 5 countries, and who have been waiting patiently for the DVD to come out.
I am dying to tell you what all in this DVD pack, but first y’all digest this info. Have worked really hard on this DVD and I sincerely hope y’all find it worth the wait.
Once again the rules of this blog stop me from editing what Abbas has written. Let me warn you that Abbas is rather generous with his word count. Also, I hate stuff written about me.
Well anyway here goes.
P.S. - Based on requests we''ll have the song on for 2 weeks instead of 1.
December 2005. In a small office-cottage in Aram Nagar, I sat alone with my girlfriend Pakhi. Most of the technical crew contracted to work on a film called Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na had slowly drifted away –aware through an unspoken understanding that the prospects for our film getting made anytime soon looked bleak. This was the office that we had chosen and done up in shades of happy red to be the home of JTYJN. The lease was about to end, and we had not shot for a single day.
We were talking about the fact that even though the film had not gotten made, it had led to the discovery of such amazing people: she, my wife-to-be. My cameraman Manoj Lobo. So many members of my fresh-from-the-oven cast and crew. And this wonderful, incredibly warm and funny boy called Imran who would have been so perfect for the part of Jai Singh Rathore.
Oh what the heck! There would be other times and other films, and we would all find a way to work together again.
Just then Imran dropped by. He used to work out in the area and used to drop by to inquire if we were making any progress. I had started feeling a slight pang of guilt every time I saw him. Here was a guy not particularly interested in acting in Hindi films, who had now taken to the idea of playing a character that would never see the light of a Kino. Jhamu Sugandh was a wonderful man and a generous producer, but his situation was precarious and we had finally realised that he would not be able to see the film through.
After a few cursories, Imran asked if I was willing to approach another producer with the film. In that instant, I knew the producer he had in mind. He said that Aamir had heard the story and had been reasonably impressed with it when Imran had come aboard. He was now willing to give it a serious listen and consider producing it. I looked at Pakhi, who had never, ever let me give up on the film. Her eyes were shining – I’m not sure if it was just excitement.
Cut to:
May 2008. Aamir Khan took Jaane Tu... to his fans with a fervour and vengeance that I have never seen in a producer, director or an actor ever before. He introduced Imran to his fans with a warmth and affection that few fathers bring to their own children. He got switched on every limelight that could only be switched on for a Super-Khan, and then trained it on a first-time director and his raw, wet-behind-the-ears team. He stood up and said, “If my films have meant anything to you, know that this is my film.”
There we were in Pune, with a crowd of eight thousand singing “Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na...” along with Imran while Aamir smiled on. Another ten thousand people on the streets of Nagpur singing “Kabhi Kabhi Aditi...” along with Aamir while I laughed in delight. And three floors of a mall in Delhi bursting at the seams with people yelling “Meow, Meow” to Genilia as we walked in.
And all I could remember was the time when I complained to Aamir regarding his unavailability as a producer. TZP was taking up all his time and I was feeling a little cheated because I couldn’t get a day of discussion slotted into his schedule. And he had said, “Abbas, I’m giving you Mansoor Khan. I believe he is the best director I have ever seen. You won’t miss me. I really think you guys will do a great job. As for my role as producer, I promise you that when the time comes to promote and publicize Jaane Tu..., you will not feel that I have neglected the film.”
Luckily, he did manage to steal some time along the way. When I saw the first rushes of Jaane Tu, I was stumped. Could a film possibly look this awful? Even Mansoor bhai was sombre. Imran, I suspect, was devastated. It looked like complete rubbish to us. I was quite certain Aamir would want to cut his losses and put an end to the nonsense.
Instead, he smiled and said, “Its fine. It looks good to me.” I remember wondering if an entire generation (or two) had over-estimated Aamir Khan. But he was insistent that it was working. He simply reaffirmed his only request/demand as a producer – which was that I shoot exactly the script I had narrated to him. He was aware, I think, of how fidgety I was getting about shooting such a simple tale. Evil gangsters were beckoning to me from the shadows, making cinematic suggestions I could not refuse. How could I spend such a large chunk of my life telling a story about two kids in love? Especially when I was clearly ruining it. And with a producer notorious (at least in the secret circles of gossip) for being dissatisfied with most directors?
All he said was, “You haven’t seen too many assemblies, have you? Most look worse. As far as you shoot the script you narrated to me, you’ll be ok.” And for weeks – months – all of us rode his naive confidence. We hung in there, hoping he wasn’t as wrong as a film release during a world cup final, and saw the film through. And I must admit, as we went along, we started thinking of it less as awful, and more as just a bit dull.
When the first cut of the film was screened for the core team, almost everyone was stunned. By almost everyone, I mean everyone including Mansoor bhai, Imran and myself. The only person who sat there grinning smugly was Aamir Khan. His belief in the value of a good script had been vindicated yet again.
Now, we all start off on journeys of our own. I to make another film without Aamir to tell me it will be ok. Imran on his next few projects without a doting uncle to say, “Watch him, he’s terrific.” Genilia to prove that Jaane Tu is just the beginning of her calibre as an actor, not the limit. In the long run, all of us are on commission, not on salary. And we will have to earn our place in the cluttered shelves of your attentions and affections.
But for today, I say to all of you who love Aamir Khan... he’s played human. He’s played hero. He’s played cricketer and cop, rebel and revolutionary, gangster and goon. But on Jaane Tu... he has played for the first time a superhero. He flew to our rescue, and then let us fly. He gave us hope, and then kept the faith. He trusted us, and because we trusted him, we learnt to trust ourselves.
Someone please give the man a cape.
Have really enjoyed reading all the comments. Once again the opinion is divided. Such fun.
Though, those in favor of adding the song seem to be in the majority. So, for those of you who want it in, the song is in but for just ONE WEEK. You see all of us feel that what we released is what we see the film as. And that we don’t want to change. This is more like an experiment. A one week experiment.
So the film will play with the song from tomorrow, i.e. Friday 18th July, for just one week.
However, this addition of the song was possible only in India as the overseas distributor cited to many practical problems. So half of you are going to slaughter me. But please believe me when I say that I tried my level best to convince them. And I am extremely disappointed that I was not able to. Maybe if y’all kick up enough of a row on my blog that will convince them.
But to those of you within India, I hope you enjoy the song, and I really wonder whether after seeing the song you will agree with us about deleting it in the first place.
Am super curious.
Thank you folks for the response to Imran and Genelia. They are absolutely thrilled.
Have a very unusual question for you.
You see we had two more songs in the film, one is the female version of Jaane Tu Mera Kya Hai, Jaane Tu Mera Kya Tha… sung by Runa , and the other is the male version of the same song sung by Sukhvinder. Both songs had been shot. In the test screenings we decided to cut out the male version because we felt it stopped the flow of the story. However opinion on the female version was divided. Through all the test screenings and the final edit we were not sure whether to cut that song out or retain it in the film. Sometimes we would remove it, then we would put it back in. A.R., if I remember correctly, wanted it to stay in. We finally decided to complete the final copy (first print) with the song in it. We figured we would see the final film and then take a final call whether to keep it or cut it out.
The music had released by then so the music CDs and cassettes have the songs in it. The music company was strongly in favor of keeping the female version song in the film. As per their feedback the song had become quite popular. Around the 2nd week of June with less than a month left for the release our final copy was finally ready. We saw the film and had a long discussion again about the song. About 40 to 50 people were at that screening, again the opinion was divided. However Abbas, Mansoor and I were of the opinion that we should go without it. We felt it didn’t fit in with the rest of the movie. So we cut the song out and what we have released is what we think the movie should be.
Am always curious about such decisions. The movie has been loved so I am assuming we took the right decision. But a number of people have also come up to me and said that they had liked the song in the audio and missed it in the film.
Want your opinion.
Should it have been in the film? Do you think we should add the song into the film now? The song is ready and its easy enough for me to do...
Just got back into Bombay from Nagpur. What a super time we had there. Thanks to the fans there for the love and warmth with which they welcomed us. Much appreciated.
Below are the posts that Genelia and Imran have written. I''m a little embarassed with the mention of me in their posts, and I am tempted to delete all ref to me, but I guess that would be unfair to them. So in the tradition of no censorship on this space I will just copy and paste.
Tomorrow I will try and get Abbas to post.
Hi guys… its me genelia .. honestly I wish there was ever a word better than ‘thank u’ coz that’s exactly how I feel right now. im overwhelmed and excited as hell but more than anything im extremely extremely thankful to u guys for havin posted all ul did for me on aamir’s blog.. im actually in a trance and honestly just bout recovering from all the post hype of the release..
But let me tell ul exactly what jaane tu is to me.. apart from the fact that abbas gave me a fantastic character to play and guided me all thru this journey of jaane tu n as much as imran was the biggest pest n biggest bully in the world to me (jokes apart hes awesome) n apart from the fact that the gang n the rest of the crew was simply terrific, theres one person who made me believe im worth it and honestly whose belief in me made me believe in myself and yup ul guessed it right… it is aamir khan.. I term jaane tu as a new beginning and I credit it to this one man.. I wondered how he managed to do things so perfectly and accurately and I honestly believe its bcoz of the kinda person he is..when people ask me whether im in awe of him… he often jokes around and says that both me n imran were never in awe of him but I can say I can never get more spellbound than this by a personality like his. and im so so proud to be part of his production house..
so ya jaane tu started of, being my dream and today post release im still dreaming and guys its out of this world..firstly with the gorgeous words mr Bachchan said to us on aaj tak’s live show which for me is the biggest and best compliment I could receive, also we have just been to delhi and nagpur and im telling u its an experience of a lifetime.. I know we cant be fooling ourselves and thinking that all these guys came for us coz v know exactly who they came for but inspite of all the hype we got due to our producer, what touched my heart was that so many people loved jaane tu.. so many people cheered for us.. so many people called me meow and that felt the best.. I actually felt that aditi(my character) had grown into the people and that was my biggest reward and today at nagpur it was tremendous.. the amount of people.. oh my god.. it was crazy but as gorgeous as ever..
neway I think im boring ul a bit tooooo much but after reading aamir’s blog and reading what all u guys had posted for us, I thought its only fair I share my excitement with people who r genuinely happy for me.. so on an ending note pls pls wish me loads of luck coz I definitely need it and something I learnt from aamir is to just to thru to ones heart and that’s the way I intend to continue…thanks guys
We’re sitting in a hotel room in Nagpur after a pretty hectic day, and the mamu has handed his precious laptop over to me so I can respond to the wonderful messages you have all sent in. Here goes.
First off, THANK YOU all so much for the completely overwhelming opening weekend. I swear, I had never expected our film to open this big. We were always happy with the film, we were pretty confident that people would like our film, but to have the film open to near 100 percent collections was… insanity.
I feel like everything might be a dream, and that things can’t really be going as well as it seems. I feel like I might suddenly snap out of it and find that the last few days were highly exaggerated. That the hype we’ve seen was only for Aamir, and not for Genelia, Jaane Tu… and me. Everyone is asking me what it feels like to be a star, and I never know how to reply… how does a star feel? I don’t feel any different, am I really a star? I don’t see myself as one, perhaps it will come with time.
Here ends the rambling, and I shall (finally) get down to business. There are so many people to thank, and not nearly enough time to do it all properly; thank you Abbas for writing a beautiful story. You always refer to yourself as a storyteller, and that’s what my Nana was to me. A storyteller first and foremost. That’s what I like and respect the most about you. I hope that fire burns inside you right till the end, as it did with him. To never stop telling stories. Thank you Mansoor mamu for never hesitating for a second before coming to help us make this film. I know what it took of you. Thank you my friends and co actors, who made every day on set a joy. Thank you Lobo, Stevie and all the technicians who worked behind the scenes to make us look so good. And last of all, because it will take the most space, thank you Aamir mamu.
Throughout the time we were making the film, and promoting it, I’ve ragged AK quite a bit, we’ve cracked a lot of jokes about one another, but I never really said the most important thing. Thank you. Some might think it odd that I’m choosing his blog as the platform to thank him, but really, what better place? What better than standing up in front of all of his fans, his well wishers, the people who love him the most, and telling them all he’s done for me?
The question I’m asked most frequently (besides “will you sing a few lines?”) would have to be “what tips did Aamir give you?”. I always tell them he didn’t give me any, which is technically true. He never sat me down and said “Come nephew, I shall give you wisdom”. He has, however, taught me a lot. A lot more, I think, than even he realizes. He has taught me integrity, honesty, courage and grace. Without ever saying a word. He has taught me to stand on my own, and to pick myself up when I fall. He’s encouraged me to think for myself, and never be afraid to do what is right. So this one’s for you, mamu. It all started with you thanking your uncle for the faith he had in you. Here’s me thanking you for being an inspiration to me, and to more people than you’ll ever realize or admit. With love and respect.
P.S. I bet you feel pretty guilty now about all those years of ragging.
Absolutely unbelievable match. These guys are super human. And what a comeback by Federer, with Nadal playing like a beast! As a Federer fan I am hugely disappointed but all credit to Nadal for a great game. Well done.
I have a 5am flight tomorrow and I still couldn’t switch off the TV. Am on tour with the team of Jaane Tu visiting theatres. In Delhi yesterday and today (or yesterday i.e. 5th and 6th), then Nagpur, and finally Pune. The response is absolutely thrilling! And what an opening. Unbelievable. Like an ‘A’ starcast film. A big thank you to my audience for the faith they have shown.
It has been so encouraging for Abbas and his young team to see the audience reaction first hand. Genelia and Imran are fully enjoying being mobbed. And the highlight for all of us was when we were in a live dial in on Aaj Tak and the caller was Amitji! You can imagine our surprise. We almost fell off our chairs in shock. And Amitji had such kind words to say about Abbas and the actors. Extremely encouraging. Amitji is not only the biggest star that Hindi Cinema has ever seen but an extremely graceful and generous human being.
We are all so thrilled with the response and they have all been reading the posts on my blog. I think I’ll ask them to post.
Have to wake up a 4am so I have exactly 2 hrs left to sleep. So though I don’t feel like I’m going to say bye for now.
Lots of love.
And, thank you. x
Hey guys my sincere apologies for not posting more frequently. Release time and the going gets really rough. Am shooting to complete the last few days of work on Ghajini, and alongside working on the release of Jaane Tu. So many things to be done and such little time left. 4 days to go! OH God!
Have also fallen ill. Extremely untimely but there it is. There is so much I have to share but I guess I’ll do that once I can breath a little easy. Ok ok I know how you guys will now give me the obvious tip on how I can breath easier. I get it.
So this is just a short note to say hi.
Am awaiting keenly your response to JT, it’s the first film from my production house which I am not acting in, and I hope we’ve done ok.
Meanwhile the TZP DVD release is very close. Will keep you posted on that one.
Much love.
I’ve begun smoking again.
I know you guys are going to kick the shit out of me, my family is already doing that.
In fact that’s one of the reasons I haven’t posted for so long, I mean because of my smoking. I didn’t know how to face all of you. I’d want to write about something interesting, but I’d broken my promise to y’all so I’d not know how to get around that, and then I’d just shut my comp.
So I thought let me start by coming clean, and expose my human frailties.
I don’t smoke in front of kids, and I don’t smoke in the presence of people who get disturbed with it. Small mercies, I know. But what to do? I get really stressed when any of my films is about to release. I know the music is doing really well and most of you will tell me there is nothing to worry about but it doesn’t work like that. Bear with me folks, I’ll give up once Jaane Tu releases.
So much to tell you guys but I know that you wont be listening to anything I say now so I’ll keep this one short.
Have been enjoying the cross chatting that’s going on between a bunch of you. And I’ve created a feature where I can respond to specific comments within a post. Responses its called. I’ve posted a few in my last post to give you an idea.
Ok. I’m running for cover as soon as I click the submit tab.
Be kind now.
Last night I watched the IPL final and what an exciting match it was. I don’t think we could have asked for a better finale to a most entertaining tournament. Rajasthan after beginning as the least likely to win at the start of the tournament went on to win the cup. My congratulations to the Rajasthan team and supporters. Chennai, hard luck but very well fought. Mumbai Indians is the team I’m supporting for obvious reasons, and I was disappointed that we weren’t in the finals, but next time. In fact I think all teams gave it their best but there can only be one winner, and jo jeeta wohi sikander. My guess is that in a very short time we should have the best side on an international level, what with all the young talent being thrown up.
The match last night was certainly exciting but what made it a unique experience for me was that I had Sachin next to me. You will find this hard to believe but Sachin was able to predict every ball before it was bowled. “He is going to bowl a bouncer next”,
“This one is going to be a slower one”, “Full tilt outside the off stump”, “Next one will be a yorker”, “Short of length”. It was uncanny. HE GOT IT RIGHT EACH TIME!!! No wonder its so difficult to bowl to him. He has an amazing instinct. And he told me his logic for each prediction which I wont share with you as I don’t want to reveal how his mind works. But all of us were dumbfounded with his instinct and his acumen. So at the end of it I told him next time we watch a film together I’m going to tell him whats going to happen next!
My apologies for disappearing for a bit. My friend Paul Blackthorn was visiting Bombay and I spent the week with him reliving Lagaan. In fact we had a bit of a reunion for him and it was really great to meet everyone.
And my apologies for the delay in the DVD release of TZP. The final work is almost over. Any day now. But I assure you I have tried my very best to make the wait worth it. Very soon I will tell y’all the exact release date, which is any day now.
Yes Praveer, Mansoor is indeed a product of IIT Bombay, Cornell, and MIT, however I whip him at chess. So watch out.
Nat why would PF, Comfortably Numb remind you of us?
I see that some of you have remembered my son Junaid’s birthday. Thanks so much for your wishes. We just returned from a dinner to celebrate it. He is 15 already! How time
Incidentally, tomorrow I resume work on the action sequences of Ghajini. I think my hamstring has recovered, but I''''''''ll get to know tomorrpw. Wish me luck.
I’m sitting under a tree, on the edge of a valley, approximately 5000 feet above sea level. The river Krishna flows far below us snaking its way among the Sahyadri mountains. A cool breeze is blowing, jannat ki hawa (breeze from the heavens), as my mother calls it. Ammi, Ira and Junaid are by my side and we are in the middle of one of our favourite board games ‘Settlers Of Catan’. Shahrukh is licking my feet and I am feeding him biscuits every now and then. What more can I ask for?
Now, before you jump to any conclusions let me add that Shahrukh is the name of our dog. And before you jump to any further conclusions let me add that I had nothing to do with naming him. In fact Shahrukh is the dog of the caretakers of our house. When I bought this house it came with the caretakers and their dog! Apparently Shahrukh (the actor) was shooting for a commercial in this house a few years ago, and that very day the caretakers bought a pup…, and named him Shahrukh. What are the chances of me buying a house which comes with a dog called Shahrukh!!!
Some of my friends claim that I bought the house just because of the dog. I would have to be a serious fan of Shahrukh’s to want to do that. Your guess…
All I can say is I’m waiting for him to come over, .
Getting back to Settlers of Catan, it’s a wonderful game. You must try it if you are fond of board games.
All in all I am having a great time with my mom and kids here in my favorite place on earth, Panchgani. I think Kiran and I must have done something good in our life to be blessed with this great place to get away to.
My hamstring muscle seems to be healing, slowly but surely.
Catching up on films, saw Casino Royale last night which I liked.
Incidentally Panchgani is a favorite with para-gliders. Now that’s something I am going to learn as soon as I finish with the Ghajini shoot.
Well Shahrukh is once again begging for my attention, so let me get back to him. He is smelling too much, I think he needs a bath. “Heel boy, heel.”
Now I’ve really gone and done it!!!
Just when I thought I was recovered I’ve injured myself again. And this time its worse than last time. Serves me right for taking it lightly and not resting myself enough. This time it’s my left leg and yes this time it is my hamstring. So we’ve had to call off the schedule, with the climax incomplete. I am so mad with myself!!!
Unfortunately it’s hurting much more than last time and I am on pain killers which I don’t normally use.
Not interesting enough did I say last time? Well serves me right.
It happened about 4 hours ago in Sultan Bazar. The shot was me chasing the villain and taking a running dive to bring him down. As I took the leap my muscle buckled and the next thing I knew I was on the ground and in intense pain. No idea why it happened. But forced rest now.
Only silver lining is I’ll get to see Kiran in another hour. When she heard she jumped on the flight and is on her way here.
You know, I think it’s because of the thermacole.
Because Pradeep and I were supposed to fall in the shot, the fight composer Peter had laid out a layer of thermacole to break our fall. However thermacole makes the ground beneath our feet very unstable. And I think the sudden give in the thermacole surprises the muscle and causes the injury. That’s what I think. Because in both cases, in the earlier injury and this one, we had thermacole on the ground. I’ve never had these kind of injuries before where the injury is not because of any impact but is as a result of the muscle not being able to take the stress. And never before have I been doing stunts on thermacole. This is the first time, and I’ve had two similar injuries within a span of two weeks.
The doctor has ordered strict rest for 3 weeks atleast, so Praveer you got your wish. You guys are going to hear from me more often.
Climax proceeds well I am shooting with protective bands and straps to help support the injured muscle. Couple days back I developed some sort of an eye infection. My left eye had gone red and was hurting. Today I developed a nose bleed. I really need a break. My body is falling apart!!!
A lot of you have been asking about the DVD release of TZP. I know I am guilty of delaying on that one. But I’ve almost finished my director’s commentary. Another two-three days and it should be done. Last night I was in the recording studio till 1am, after shooting till 7pm. Tomorrow will be the same. But I promise it will be worth it. I’m trying my best, really want to make this special. DVD should be out sometime in the month of May. Promise.
Today I met my first set of bloggers, in Hyderabad. Ru-ba-ru. (face to face). It was really nice for me to see the eyes and hear the thoughts, put faces to names.
By now y’all must have heard various accounts of my injury so I won’t bore you with one more. Especially since there is no particularly death defying moment in it. It was quite a boring injury, no anecdotal value or excitement whatsoever. Roll camera, action, run into frame, grab heavy goon, slam him against wall, lift him and throw him against second wall, shout in pain, hop on one leg, wave arm to call for cut, limp off to nearest chair. End result is that I had injured the adductor muscle in my right thigh. Which in layman terms means my inner thigh. There have been many more exciting injuries I have received in my career but again let me spare you the gory details. Importantly I’m recovering well and have restarted shooting with muscle supports and belts.
I had mentioned sometime back that I would like to meet with some of you whenever I travel to some city. I am currently in Hyderabad and should be here till the 1st week of May. So those of you who would like to meet up should post your contact details and I will try my best to arrange a get together with a bunch of you picked randomly. All this depends of course on my shooting schedule allowing it.
In the meantime I am readying my self for my next release. JAANE TU.
When I say ‘my’ I mean Aamir Khan Productions’. After Lagaan and Taare Zameen Par this will be our third release and I am keen to complete a hat-trick. We completed our test screenings end of March, and Rahman has almost finished the background score. Today the first promo breaks on TV. It should be up on the website as well, www.jaanetu.com
This will be the first film of my nephew Imran, I think I’ll post a photo of him. Tell me what you think of the promo, and him.Jaane Tu is the debut not only of Imran but also Abbas Tyrewala who has written and directed the film. Abbas who has is an established writer having written films like Munna Bhai MBBS, Maqbool, and Main Hoon Na among others has done a great job as a director. While I was busy with TZP he was doing JT, and when I saw the completed film it was an excellent translation onto screen of the script, which for me is the most imp yardstick for any filmmaker.
But the biggest news about JT is the return of Mansoor Khan!!!
Yes, I finally managed to lure Mansoor out of his hiding place. When I took over as director of TZP I needed a hands-on producer on JT so I requested Mansoor. To his credit despite his reluctance he did not hesitate to step in. I would like to think it was because of me but I suspect it was because of Nasir Sahab. Both Mansoor and I know that Nasir Sahab would have wanted the two of us to stand by Imran at this important juncture in his career. So Mansoor makes a return, albeit as Producer.
Meanwhile for those of you who want me to accept awards, I received one on the 24th at the august hands of Lata Mangeshkar. This is an award that the hugely talented Mangeshkar family has instituted in the name of their father Dinanath Mangeshkar. It was indeed an honour to be felicitated by the Dinanath Mangeshkar Trust and to be in such august company as the other winners. Especially since the only two male Hindi film actors to win this honour before me, if I''m not mistaken, are Dilip Kumar and Amithji.
Dear all,
Over the last few days I have received several requests not to participate in the Olympic Torch Relay. Requests through members of my family, personal friends, people who are associated with the Tibetan struggle, and my blog. I have gone through and read each and every letter, message and post pertaining to this issue.
I would like to state that I have the highest regard and respect for the struggle that the people of Tibet are going through. I completely empathize with them. Similarly, I have the highest respect and regard for the struggle that the people of Iraq, Kashmiri Pundits who have been displaced, Kashmiris in general, and the people of Palestine, are going through. I have named above just a few instances of human rights violations. Across the world, and indeed within our own country too, there are several instances and examples of atrocities and human rights violation, which are still continuing. I categorically state that I am absolutely against any form of violence, and certainly I am deeply upset whenever the basic rights of human beings are violated anywhere in the world.
However, I feel that the Olympic Games do not belong to China.
In fact if we were to try and find on this planet a place to hold the Olympic Games where the government of that place has not been responsible for human rights violations (in one way or the other), then I suspect that we would be left with very few options, if any at all. If I am not mistaken almost all societies have been responsible for human rights violation either directly or indirectly, sometimes in seen ways and sometimes in unseen ways, sometimes physically, sometimes economically.
The Olympic Games represent for me the coming together of different people across the world despite their differences and difficulties. It is an opportunity for sportsmen and women across the world to showcase their talent, to challenge themselves and others, and for others to watch and marvel at the achievements of the human body, mind and soul.
Are human rights violations continuing across the globe while all this is happening. I’m afraid so. And I hope and pray for the day that we can one day live in absolute peace and harmony, where human suffering is done away with.
I am no one to tell any group of people how they should conduct their struggle. I am not part of it and am not going through what they are going through. But my heart goes out to them.
I request those of you who have asked me to stay away from the Olympic Torch Relay to understand that when I do run with the torch on the 17th of April it is not in support of China. In fact it will be with a prayer in my heart for the people of Tibet, and indeed for all people across the world who are victims of human rights violations.
At Toronto airport now, in the lounge, heading out in a bit. My apologies to all of you living in Toronto who wrote in with their contact details. Unfortunately I could not make time to meet up with you. Next time hopefully. But I''m going to attempt this whenever I travel. I will try and meet with some of the bloggers of the city I travel to, time permitting.
Absolutely thrilled with the response I am getting to my new look. My ears REALLY stick out though. Big Ears, that is what I was called as a kid.
Bye for now.
Yes I''ve finally buzzed off most of my hair.
After Murgadoss was totally satisfied that we had got all the shots we needed with my hair, including the photoshoot etc., he gave me the go ahead. Will make sure my site support team posts a picture of me. I''m right now in Dubai airport, in transit to Toronto, so I''ll send them a text. Should be up sometime today. Thanks once again for your warm wishes on my birthday.
Would love to meet some of my bloggers from Toronto while I am there, if time permits. So if you live in Toronto and would like to meet up for a bit post in your numbers and I can call in a small group of around 10 to 15 bloggers. How does that sound?
Y''all must be wondering why my posts have been getting less frequent. Its because I am at my most demanding period in a long time. So hopefully in a few weeks, at the most one month, I''ll be more frequent... on my chat too.
Long pending is a scheduled chat.
Lots of love.
Have been reading the birthday wishes that have started coming in. Thank you folks.
Actually met a couple of bloggers today. What fun.
Got a call from my office this afternoon that there were a couple of girls who had come all the way from Russia to meet me, and who had burst into tears when they got to know that I was busy. My staff didn''t quite know what to do and called me in desperation. So I asked for them to come over to where I was recording the director''s commentary ( yes I''m doing it as a result of the number of posts wanting me to speak).
So, to my surprise, I actually met with Skorpionchik and Koncol. I was really touched with their warmth and love. Thanks both of you, and thanks to the entire team back there in Russia, who have sent their good wishes and love.
My first birthday since I began blogging.
Much love. xxx
Turns out Ponting was right about his prediction that there would be no need for the third match to decide the finals! Congratulations to the Indian team for putting up such a good show. I really enjoyed watching the win. Needless to say that a win in Australia against arguably the world’s best team is especially joyous. At this moment let us also stop for a moment and remind ourselves that sometime back we were prepared to lynch the Indian team for not performing well. I hope the fans and a bulk of the national media who behaved so badly then are dropping their heads in shame. And a huge applause for Sachin whose last two innings were instrumental in securing our win. Also that Praveen Kumar is quite a find I must say.
I was a little disappointed though with the farewell to Adam Gilchrist . I think a player of his caliber deserved a better send off. Being a mushy emotional kind I would have also liked him to score at least a 50 in his last match. He certainly is one of the greats of International cricket.
Have been unwell the past 10-12 days, down with flu. Cold still not gone completely.
(post 3344) Devika your coconuts seem to be doing the trick.
(3326) Nice limerick Ashu.
(3307) Skotse White Moghuls is indeed a very enjoyable book and gives a great insight into the British presence in India. On American history I would strongly recommend a series called NARRATIVES OF EMPIRE written by Gore Vidal. It is a series of 7 books which are a fictionalized account of American history. Burr, Lincoln, 1876, Empire, Hollywood, Washington D.C., and The Golden Age. An absolutely cracking read.
(2860-2853) Zohaib, I cant make up my mind whether I should be upset with you or not.
(1381) Perdido Manuel I have made a note of your suggestions and very soon I will do the needful.
(2436) Praveer as it turns I was in Delhi on the 2nd and a good part of 3rd. Well all I can say is that you had a close call!
(3591) Did you make that yourself Devendra? Its very good. Did you use charcoal? Or pencil?
Off late what has been really troubling me is the the director’s commentary that I need to record for the TZP DVD. Personally I feel that I have said what I had to through the film. Also, I think that films should be experienced, I shouldn’t need to explain stuff. So what I want to know from y’all is do y’all really want me to do a director’s commentary for the DVD release? Also while we are at it is there something which y’all would especially like in the DVD? I’ve already put in what I think will be great extras, but maybe I’ve missed out something.
Ghajini resumes, shooting today on the roads of Bombay. My regrets for disappearing for such a long time.
Skotse, of my resolutions I have managed to stick to no smoking, my workouts have begun again, diet is also getting back slowly though sometimes I break it, and sleeping is still not totally in place though that has seen an improvement too. So getting back slowly.
Michelle sorry to hear that you are losing the chess game.
Shabana haven’t blogged in a while because among other things I had a lot of stuff waiting after TZP got over. So have been attending to a lot of unfinished and pending business.
Coolchirag, other stuff is right except the bit about award functions. I’m afraid you wont be seeing me there. And what is this stuff you are starting on facebook and orkut on me? How do I visit there?
Patnaik Vivek, I will indeed be shaving off my head for GHAJINI as around half the film requires me to. As for DVD release of TZP… work on that is progressing but a little slow. Be assured that I am working very hard to come out with the best quality and some really special extras.
Thanks Rema, though I have to say that I didn’t quite like Kite Runner.
Poonamxx you are in the right place.
Thank you Philipkotler, for your rather strong words of praise for me. Much appreciated.
Yes Sylvi the LAGAAN Collector’s Box is indeed a limited edition. 10,000 boxes in all. And I’m glad you liked it, we worked very hard on it.
Praveer, you visiting India? Want a few lessons in chess?
Mira, you made three requests to GOD. I believe two of them have been granted. One - I have indeed quit smoking. Two - yes I am doing Raju Hirani’s film being produced by Vinod Chopra tentatively titled ‘IDIOTS’. The third one of convincing me to switch to a hybrid car he/she is still working on. But don’t be sad, cause two out of three ain’t bad.
My God! The past few months have been quite a ride. And the last month the most exciting, nerve racking, exhausting, rejuvenating, draining, enriching. Am I ever going to recover? I feel like I’ve been stuffed into a washing machine which doesn’t have an off button. After this I really need to be put out to dry in the sun and left alone. But no such luck. I start shooting for GHAJINI on the 22nd. So…
Let me take baby steps towards recovery.
First things first… I have just smoked my last cigarette before sending this post. YES I HAVE FINALLY KICKED THE BAD HABIT!!! I know I know, I can already hear all of y’all scream and shout. I was supposed to give up on 31st. But I didn’t (which is one of the reasons I was avoiding posting). I tried my best… but I''m sorry I couldn’t then… but I have now… so please don’t give me grief… instead support me now.
Second step: get back to sleeping early.
Third: Work out religiously.
4th: Get back on my healthy diet.
5th: Just stick to the above 4 for a while before taking the 5th step.
To do list:
1. Work on the DVD of TZP.
2. Work on the release plan of JAANE TU… AKP’s next release.
3. Supervise prep on DELHI BELLY which starts shoot in March.
4. Start prep work on the other one that AKP is producing later this year yet untitled.
(all this while I shoot for GHAJINI. And you guys complain I don’t do enough work.)
5. Make innovations and progress on this site.
6. Clean my study, clean my cupboard. So much junk has piled up in my rooms. Everyday I look at the mess and promise myself I’ll get down to it at some point.
I really have to get back some order in my life.
In the meantime let us celebrate India’s win over Australia. What a glorious win! Sweet and well deserved. We would have won the earlier test as well had it not been for remarkably bad luck with the umpiring. All the more satisfying because we beat a team which is unfortunately very arrogant and decidedly badly behaved on the cricket field. My sincere apologies to any fans of Australian Cricket but I fail to understand why arguably the best team in the world has to behave so badly on the field. Or why this team feels the need to use excessively aggressive heckling to try and win a match. Cant they just play better? I mean I don’t see Federer or Roddick misbehaving with each other or anyone. Well each to his own I guess. I just wish the Indian team didn’t get influenced by this childish display and respond in kind. We should just quietly play better and win… or lose, as the case may be. But play with dignity.
While on behavior and dignity, I am deeply disappointed with those of you who have watched TZP on a pirated DVD/VCD, or when illegally shown on cable, or on websites which have illegally uploaded the film. How can you be my fans, or fans of Indian Cinema, or any cinema for that matter if you steal from us? Sad.
To the rest of you, first of all I want to thank you for the respect and regard you have shown by watching the film through honest means. Your heartfelt responses to TZP are absolutely overwhelming and have left me speechless, with a warm glow within me. Cant describe it any better. Have made notes over the past few weeks in response to specific posts, but have abandoned that exercise. Maybe I’ll get into that later. Just want to thank all of you for expressing yourselves with so much generosity and sensitivity.
Having been so supportive of the film y’all will be happy to know that TZP has crossed to business of RDB.
At this point I would like to publicly thank the cast and crew of TZP for being so supportive to me in my debut film. I would not have been able to achieve the film without the hard work and commitment from all who have been involved in the entire process. Right from the research to the release.
Much love.
Hello, hi and a host of warm wishes for the new year. While I have a lot to share with you I must step back for a bit and give space to Darsheel to have a word with y’all.
It is Sunday and Kiran and I are over at Darsheel house for lunch. After spending hours pouring over the posts Darsheel takes over my laptop to write to you.
While you read and respond to Darsh, I want you to know that I am absolutely thrilled with what I have been reading through your posts. Every stress and every pain filled moment that I may have gone through to make TZP feels worth it after reading your responses. I am humbled with your generosity, and I feel stronger and filled with courage to do better and more challenging work. More later, now over to Darsheel.
Hello everyone.
Aamir uncle showed me his blog and I was very happy when I read it. I would like to thank every one for liking my role, and I am happy that you liked the movie.
I would like to share of my memories during my shooting that when I was shooting for bum bum bole ,as you people know that I am a product of Shiamak’s school and I am a nice dancer and every one in bum bum bole was dancing excluding me. I was very upset during it so when it would be a retake I would start dancing.
Acting with Tanay and Sachet was great fun and partying with them was amazing fun.
Well a man of few words as it turns out but I wish y''all could have seen his face as he read the posts.
You know when a director is thinking about his film before the release he often goes through amazing highs and major lows. One sec we feel that the film is not going to connect with people, another we day dream that it will get into the blood stream of the audience like no film before. The response that I have got for my very first film is like a dream response. I couldn’t have imagined a better response and all my day dreams have come true. Gladly all my pinching is in vain and I am still awake.
I am so moved by the response I am unable to express myself properly. I feel at a loss for words.
Thank you.
I have gone through each and every post. And I’m going to go through it again. And 20 years later I will still go through these very pages and warmth will fill my heart. So well you all have expressed yourselves. And such generosity and support. I am touched. I feel blessed.
Some of you have expressed a fear of the opening not being good enough. Please relax. The opening is much higher that I expected. Let me quickly put your fears and anxieties to rest by sharing with you a text that I received today from the distribution team of PVR:
– Good evening Khan Saab, film is headed to be the BIGGEST GROSSERS of the year. –
Even in smaller centres where I would expect a film of this nature to open weak it has opened to double my expectations and the collections have been only rising with EACH show.
The only place where the opening is below expectations is the U.K. I have no explanations for that. However the audience response from there is equally strong as elsewhere so I expect to see the collections there rising very soon.
Now let me give you an idea of what the theatre response all over is. And mind you I am saying all this because I can see an anxiety in some of you as to how well the film is doing at the box office.
It is getting a standing ovation!!! Something that only happened if I remember correctly during LAGAAN!!! Everyone is loving it. Parents, children, youth, teenagers, grandparents, everyone. People from different ecomonic and social backgrounds, industry collegues, everyone. Taporis included. The best response one of my team got is from the gatekeeper from one of the theatres. He said – “I really need to see the film. What is there in it that everyone is loving it so much”. -
So just relax and enjoy the ride. Do not be disheartened by half baked and ill informed reports. The figures are infront of me, and I am in constant touch the distribution team and trade experts.
You know before the release I had two doubts. Will kids and teenagers like it? And will people want to see it more than once? For a film to become really huge and go into ‘super duper’ category these two points are of prime importance. I am happy and relieved to say that both these questions have been strongly answered in the affirmative. The youth are loving it, and repeat viewings began on day one itself! Like in my day dream people are wanting to see the film again and again.
Let me add that, unlike my distribution team, I am extremely conservative by nature and I would hesitate to say so early in the day that TZP will go on to become the BIGGEST GROSSERS of the year. That is a big claim indeed and I would wait for the end of the second/third week before I confirm that.
For now I just want to thank all of you for such a heart warming reaction. And keep it going it, it feels like I am breathing pure oxygen.
And now I want to get back to reading your posts for the nth time.
Darsheel in the meantime, who has been reading your posts with me, is smiling as big as the final painting. He sends you his love, a warm hug and a very toothy grin. I’m going to try and get him to post one blog.
Much love. xxx
Have finally crossed all the ''''t''''s and dotted all the ''''i''''s... I think.
Have just reached home after completing the last bit of work on the film. I cannot believe it is finally over. Will be checking the print in a couple days, I hope there wont be any technical delays. The last one month has been killing. Can''t wait for it to release now.
In response to some of the queries that have been coming up;
TZP is a film about children, NOT a children''s film. It is aimed primarily at parents, and potential parents. Youngsters who in a few years will become parents. Of coure since it is about an 9 year old boy I expect that kids around 8 years and above will identify with the boy and find the film engaging, moving and uplifting. I have no idea how kids below 8 years will react to the film. Sure there are some fun moments for them like a couple of animation sequences, and the BUM BUM BOLE song, which I believe is a hot favourite with little kids, but in esssence the film speaks to an 8 years and above audience.
In my oplnion it is THE most important film on children to come out of India. I mean in its content. How you all will like it I have no idea, but what I can say is that it has changed the way that I looked at my kids. And mind you, I think that I am a good father. In fact it changed the way that I look at all children.
As we take on the burdens of adulthood we often gradually distance ourselves from our children, even our own childhood. This script brought it all back into sharp focus for me.
I hope it does the same for you.
And now I am going to sleep. I mean serious sleep.
Have stepped out of the mixing room for a bit and was checking my blog. I have to say that my family, especially my kids, are really happy with the kid of bashing I recieved from you all for my smoking. I completely agree that it is the worst thing anyone can do to damage one''''s health. Cough, cough. Point taken and will be acted upon.
Right now I am so over worked that I often dont know whether it is day or night.
On my comments on BLACK, let me start by commenting that I have the highest regard for Mr Bachchan and I am very big fan of his work. Probably one of the biggest. I believe that he along with Mr Dilip Kumar are among my two favourite actors of Indian Cimema. I have no hesitation in saying that I don''t even feature on the same platform as an actor. He is also in my opinion THE biggest star that Indian Cinema has ever seen. However as any member of the audience I too have a right to my opinion. And let me also clarify that my observations were towards the film and the way it was handled not towards any of the actors. I am very aware that the key of every performance is very much determined by the director.
My big exception towards Black is the fact that a child with severe difficulties is shown being illtreated instead of being treated with love, care and understanding. I simply cannot come to terms with that no matter what the writer and director say in defence. I thought I was watching a rip off of Taming Of The Shrew!!! I take great exception to this kind of behaviour towards children being glorified and propagated through a popular mass medium as the way to deal with children with or without difficulties. I, without any hesitation, strongly condemn this kind of cinema no matter who is involved with the film, and that includes me if I ever have in the past, present or future made such an error of judgement. My creative differences with Mr Bansali are unimportant. I believe he has the potential to make a good film and I look forward to seeing his latest film SAWARIA.
In response to some of your questions regarding TZP: It is a film about children, ALL children, and is aimed at parents, children, and potential parents. In fact for everyone who is a child or has been through childhood, which pretty much covers the whole gamut of age groups.
And now I am being called back into the mixing theatre.
I haven''''t forgotten about the scheduled chat and once I''''m done with my work will pick a date and time.
Much love.
Hello everyone.
Harresed and overworked as the release gets closer. Yes the due date for film release is confirmed for 21st of Dec.
I have sorely missed interacting with all of you on a regular basis as my work is keeping me away from my comp. There are so many things happening at the same time that sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed. The final mix, colour correction, final checks on the special effects, animation, promotions, promos, meetings with the distribution team, the list is endless. Many many deadlines to meet on a daily basis to make the 21st release possible.
Well a few quick responses.
Firstly, Amit I really liked your translation of the title track. Very very good. In fact with your permission I would like to show it to Bannerjee, the person doing the sub-titles on the film, and if he approves would like to use it. Did you do translations of the other songs as well? Would very much like to go through them.
Nat my appologies. I believe you were in Bombay and tried to reach me. I would have liked to meet you but I just could not manage it. However I will make sure I sign the photos you left and mail them to you.
Vicky I am thankfull to you for your unrelenting support.
Praveer we have a chess match pending. Enjoy yourself while you can. Post the film release I''m going to wipe the floor with you.
Bad news is that I have begun smoking. Good news is I have a new year''s resolution ready.
There is so much we can talk about, but I guess it will have to wait. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to zero in on a date for when I can come on the chat. Long overdue.
Bye for now.
A short note to wish all of you a very happy Diwali.
Have been going through your responses to the music. Its extremely encouraging to say the least. I''''ve got your immediate response and it is really heartening, but what I would really like is to hear your responses two weeks from now, after you have had a chance to hear the songs a few times over. Do they grow on you or do you start tiring of them?
I spent a couple hours last evening with Shammi Uncle the Elvis Presley of Indian Cinema (not as a singer but as a star). He is a close friend of my uncle Mr Nasir Husain who was himself one of the most sussessful directors of his time. I trained under Chachajaan as an assistant director for 4 years. His is not with us today but it would have been a very happy day for him. And I wanted Shammi Uncle to hear the music and wanted his blessings. Shammi Uncle is the coolest and I so enjoyed being with him. Very few people have the spirit of life that Shammi Uncle has and there is a lot to learn there. He showed me a picture that he keeps in his room of him and Chachajaan on the stes of one of the films they did together. I felt so happy and I wanted to share it with y''''all.
I''''m planning a sheduled chat soon and I''''ll keep you posted on that.
Take care, and have a great Diwali.
Much love.
The music is out in stores and I am absolutely petrified. My stomach is churning and I am going weak in the knees. Even after so long I can''t get over the butterflies in the stomach. So I’m going to go hide in a hole for sometime.
Read more...The last one month has been a real test for me and my family but I think finally we have reached closure. I thank y’all for hanging in there with me. Sincerely, your words of comfort make me feel so much better.
As I write this it is past midnight in India so it’s 3rd Nov, the date the music of TZP is supposed to release. I know I’m going to get killed for this but…, I think the music might not reach the stores until the 5th!!!
I’m so sorry but it is because I rejected the final GLASS MASTER of the MASTER RECORDING 3 times as I was not happy with the quality, and as a result there was some delay in production. As far as I know our music company T-Series is still trying their very best to reach the CDs and Cassettes to stores by 3rd, but despite their best efforts they might not be able to reach ALL outlets by 3rd. I have been going through your posts and I’m aware of your anticipation, so I know I’m going to get slaughtered for this, but trust me it was so that we could all get better quality sound.
This also gives me a couple more days to write out the translations of the lyrics, which I had promised to do but have not had the time to get into. But now hopefully I should be able to give full time to TZP. By 5th night I’ll post the translations.
In case y’all are thinking this is one of my pranks its not. And I’m really really sorry for this delay.
I''m really looking forward to your reactions to the music.
Much love.
Hi guys. Have been going through your comments and posts over the past week or more. I would like to thank y’all for your support and good wishes to me and my family.
Also I am really overwhelmed with your responses to the Curtain Raiser of TZP. ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMED!!! I can’t tell y’all how happy I am to read that y’all have loved it. And y’all have expressed it in so many different ways. I am so glad, thanks for making the effort. It is really reassuring to me and the entire team who have worked so hard on the film. Thanks.
At this point we are all gearing up for the launch of the music on the 3rd of Nov which, incidentally, is just round the corner. My stomach is turning as I write this, I get so nervous. Well 3rd Nov the music should be available in stores across the world, and we wait with bated breath for your response to it.
Over the next few days what I plan to do is to translate the songs into English. This is for the benefit of those of you who don’t speak Hindustani, or for those who need a little help. I feel the lyrics are really special and I would like to help you enjoy them. Initially I wanted the translations to be included with the lyrics in the CD and Cassette, but we were running out of space. So, currently only the original lyrics are printed in the CD and Cassette packaging. If I do one song a day, by the 3rd I should be able to post the lot of them together. The lyrics will also be available on the TZP website.
Over the last couple of weeks I have also paid a number of surprise visits to the chat and I have enjoyed interacting with y’all. But it’s about time I fixed a scheduled chat. Let me work out my schedule and get back. This time however I would like to make a list of do’s and don’ts which should make the chat a bit less chaotic and infinitely more fun.
On the 4th of Nov our second promo breaks on TV and on the TZP website. So a scheduled chat date soon after the launch on the 3rd should be good. (are the techies listening?)
Well, talk to y''all soon.
Thanks once again.
Love. x
Wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous DURGASHTMI. And hoping y’all had a happy nine nights of NAVRATRI.
Peace and happiness to all.
My apologies friends, but my current circumstances are such that I am unable to communicate with y’all in any meaningful way. Please bear with me as these are extraordinarily difficult times for me and my family.
Will write in soon, hopefully.
Sending all a warm hug.
May we invest more in peace, happiness and in the well being of all humanity.
Eid Mubarak..
Sorry everyone but due to unavoidable personal reasons I will not be able to chat live with y’all today 8pm IST as I had earlier mentioned. Will fix new date and time for my chat and keep you posted. In the meantime please continue to post your comments and reactions to the Curtain Raiser of TZP in the blog space.
Reached folks. Will be online live on the chat any sec now.... hopefully. Fingers crossed.
Read more...10.25pm.
I should be there in 15 mts. Thank god for this blog. At least I can keep you'll posted. am using my wirefree connection on my lap top stay online. Was using this same laptop to chat. Was not having any problem with the net connection. For some reason my chat window was hanging on me. I believe the tech team at the office are testing the chat and I am told it working from there. Almost there now.
Bombay traffic, sometimes it reminds me of Bangalore.
There is a bus driver in front of us who has jammed to road. Grrr.
So sorry guys. Have been so looking forward to this chat, but we seem to be having some technical trouble. In fact the only time that it was working alright, I think, was when my friend Bhaga was online playing the devil. I barely got to the comp when it started to give up on me. The backend team is trying to workout how to solve the problem. Perhaps it is my comp, I told y'all machines don't like me. What I'm going to do is I am getting into a car right now and driving to the office of the tech team. So if all goes well I should be on chat in 45 mts. In the meantime I will keep updating this post from my car. Like they say when you want to make God laugh tell him your plans! See you'll soon ... God willing.
In the car and on my way. Hope that the traffic is kind to me. Wait for me. Am really disappointed this happened. Sorry guys.
Hello hello hello.
How much I enjoyed reading all your comments to my last post on lagaandvd.com !!! I was absolutely in splits. And, I have to admit, also very touched by your responses.
As I said earlier currently I am launching my site with only two features, one is my blog which will continue as before, and the second is a chat which I am rather looking forward to. Given my time constraints I have not been able to work on other features but I’ll keep adding them as we go along. For your convenience I am repeating some of the time lines that I mentioned in my last post.
1. lagaandvd.com will cease to function sometime on 10th Oct. All the posts on this blog will carry forward into the archives of aamirkhan.com, so you can still access all the earlier posts and comments.
2. www.aamirkhan.com should have been operational from 10th Oct at 12:01am Indian Standard Time. And hopefully my first post on aamirkhan.com will be up then. (Which if you are reading then all is in order).
3. On 10th Oct, i.e. tonight, at 9pm Indian Standard Time (IST) I will come on for my first LIVE chat with y’all. I will remain live for precisely one hour 9pm to 10pm. SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE REGISTERED BEFORE THAT. And feel free to use the chat even before I come on, and I’ll join you’ll at 9pm.
4. On 11th Oct I will reveal to y’all the first images of TAARE ZAMEEN PAR.
This will be through a curtain raiser that will be on the site www.taarezameenpar.com . Remember I had promised that y’all will be the first to see anything of the film. Well here it is. This curtain raiser breaks world wide in theatres on 12th Oct, but you can see it on the 11th at www.taarezameenpar.com .
5. On 12th Oct the curtain raiser breaks in theatres world wide and I would really like it if y’all could catch it on the BIG screen, 5.1 Dolby surround sound and all. And yes it will be released outside of India as well, in theatres where, I presume, Indian films are usually shown.
6. On 13th Oct I will once again come on live from 8pm to 9pm IST. By now I’ll be dying with anxiety to hear what you’ll think of the curtain raiser.
Based on the problems y’all pointed out in the earlier blog Carlton and his team from HUNGAMA.COM, Kalpendu, Nishant, Ninad, Aditya, Manesh and Tarun have made alterations. Let me know what you think. Also keep suggesting ideas for what other features I can have on this site. I have some ideas but suggestions are welcome. Also I have made note of the request by a lot of you’ll regarding bloggers who misbehave, I think we will try to address that problem as best as we can.
So welcome once again, and see you’ll on the chat at 9pm.
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