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Hello hello hello.

How much I enjoyed reading all your comments to my last post on !!! I was absolutely in splits. And, I have to admit, also very touched by your responses.

As I said earlier currently I am launching my site with only two features, one is my blog which will continue as before, and the second is a chat which I am rather looking forward to. Given my time constraints I have not been able to work on other features but I’ll keep adding them as we go along. For your convenience I am repeating some of the time lines that I mentioned in my last post.

1. will cease to function sometime on 10th Oct. All the posts on this blog will carry forward into the archives of, so you can still access all the earlier posts and comments.

2. should have been operational from 10th Oct at 12:01am Indian Standard Time. And hopefully my first post on will be up then. (Which if you are reading then all is in order).

3. On 10th Oct, i.e. tonight, at 9pm Indian Standard Time (IST) I will come on for my first LIVE chat with y’all. I will remain live for precisely one hour 9pm to 10pm. SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE REGISTERED BEFORE THAT. And feel free to use the chat even before I come on, and I’ll join you’ll at 9pm.

4. On 11th Oct I will reveal to y’all the first images of TAARE ZAMEEN PAR.
This will be through a curtain raiser that will be on the site . Remember I had promised that y’all will be the first to see anything of the film. Well here it is. This curtain raiser breaks world wide in theatres on 12th Oct, but you can see it on the 11th at .

5. On 12th Oct the curtain raiser breaks in theatres world wide and I would really like it if y’all could catch it on the BIG screen, 5.1 Dolby surround sound and all. And yes it will be released outside of India as well, in theatres where, I presume, Indian films are usually shown.

6. On 13th Oct I will once again come on live from 8pm to 9pm IST. By now I’ll be dying with anxiety to hear what you’ll think of the curtain raiser.

Based on the problems y’all pointed out in the earlier blog Carlton and his team from HUNGAMA.COM, Kalpendu, Nishant, Ninad, Aditya, Manesh and Tarun have made alterations. Let me know what you think. Also keep suggesting ideas for what other features I can have on this site. I have some ideas but suggestions are welcome. Also I have made note of the request by a lot of you’ll regarding bloggers who misbehave, I think we will try to address that problem as best as we can.

So welcome once again, and see you’ll on the chat at 9pm.



Jaywardhan Shah. August 11, 2008  

Hi, Amir, ths is the frst time i m accessing ur blog, i like ur lastest wrks, u hv a strong social message in ur subjects. pl continue ur gud work.

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