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Time to move on.

The last one month has been a real test for me and my family but I think finally we have reached closure. I thank y’all for hanging in there with me. Sincerely, your words of comfort make me feel so much better.

As I write this it is past midnight in India so it’s 3rd Nov, the date the music of TZP is supposed to release. I know I’m going to get killed for this but…, I think the music might not reach the stores until the 5th!!!

I’m so sorry but it is because I rejected the final GLASS MASTER of the MASTER RECORDING 3 times as I was not happy with the quality, and as a result there was some delay in production. As far as I know our music company T-Series is still trying their very best to reach the CDs and Cassettes to stores by 3rd, but despite their best efforts they might not be able to reach ALL outlets by 3rd. I have been going through your posts and I’m aware of your anticipation, so I know I’m going to get slaughtered for this, but trust me it was so that we could all get better quality sound.

This also gives me a couple more days to write out the translations of the lyrics, which I had promised to do but have not had the time to get into. But now hopefully I should be able to give full time to TZP. By 5th night I’ll post the translations.

In case y’all are thinking this is one of my pranks its not. And I’m really really sorry for this delay.

I''m really looking forward to your reactions to the music.

Much love.


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